Winter gear is trickling in here at JSP. A few Boxes of Capita Boards arrived today with more to follow. Homewood Snowboards and Vans Boots will be in soon hopefully. Check the gallery to see the Capita Line. COME GET YOUR BOARD WAXED AND GET STOKED!


This winters Union Bindings have arrived at JSP. We have a nice selection of colors and models to choose from. As always we have The staple Force bindings and DLX models. New to the line this year is the new Factory Binding, Travis Rice's official binding so you know its got to be good. We also have The Atlas and Contact Bindings in a variety of colors. For the ladies we have the Trilogy and Rosa Bindings, as well as a few Milans. Don't forget the little ones, we have them covered with two colorways of Union Mini-Flight Bindings. Click the image below to view the gallery.

King of The Ramp Winners!

First off, JSP would like to thank all the people who made this event possible and awesome. Big thanks to Matt Homan for inventing this ramp and judging, Mark B, Nick B, Chet, and all the others who have put hours into building and maintaining the ramp. Oliver and The Bats rocked out downstairs for hours and it sounded real good. Shawn Durst and Laces Out. Bill Thomas and the Active Artists Alliance. Bill Cooley BBQ Master. Ashley Baron and AB Cinematography. Girl, Chocolate, and Lakai for donating some swag. All the spectators and supporters for checking it out. And last, but most Importantly, The Skaters. You guys, and girl were crushing it! I'd hate to be the judges, everyone was skating well and laying down epic tricks and consistent lines. But when it comes down to the end there can be only one winner. Congratulations to Tyler for winning the am division and Emily for holding it down for the female gender. Mark Buccigrossi wins the masters division, he was a skating beast. Carlos put on an amazing show as usual, and was more consistent than I've ever seen. John Osbourn threw down some ramp wizardry and gave Mike Berdis a run for his money, but with some incredible back to back to back tricks in his runs Mr. Berdis claims his 3rd King of the Ramp title after a two year hiatus.

Colton, Devin, Prince of The Ramp; Tyler, and your Queen of the Ramp Emily

Colton, Devin, Prince of The Ramp; Tyler, and your Queen of the Ramp Emily

Masters Division KOTR Mark Buccigrossi, getting a job well done from Chet.

Masters Division KOTR Mark Buccigrossi, getting a job well done from Chet.

Carlos, John, and King of the Ramp; Mike Berdis

Carlos, John, and King of the Ramp; Mike Berdis

Jamestown NOW Chalkwalk

Today is the second annual Chalkwalk, located in Downtown Jamestown.  This event is organized by Jamestown NOW, Chautauqua County Arts Council, and the JRC.  Thirty local artists are chalking up their best creations on the sidewalks throughout downtown Jamestown. Judges are walking around checking out all the different blocks, and you can tell the decisions are going to be tough.  It is a cool beautiful day out, there's a lot of people downtown checking out all the art, this has to be the best event of the year so far.  Here are some of the standout pieces I saw so far.



Gary Peters Jr

Gary Peters Jr

Nate Long

Nate Long

Back to School Skate Trip-Pennswood MFG

Our final stop on the trip was to Pennswood MFG.  These guys build our JSP skateboards & longboards.  They have been building boards since 1996, and by the looks of it, business is good.  We had an order of our JSP decks ready to go, so I figured we would stop by and pick them up, and the mini shreds could see the how the boards are made.  As a bonus, Pennswood just built a mini ramp and street course, so the dudes could get one more shred session in before the trip came to an end.


Back To School Skate Trip-Peach Plaza, Greensburg, PA

Our next stop on this little trip was to Peach Plaza, in Greensburg, PA.  This park was really rad, with an older section filled with street obstacles, weird trannies, and big stairsets.  The newer section consisted of two bowls, one being kind of like a small snake run, and then a big bowl ranging from 5 feet to 10 feet.   


As far as skating goes, Peach Plaza was the highlight of the trip.  The setup there is really diverse with good bowls, and really fun lines through the street course area.  The only drawback would be the amount of non-skater crowd.  We all love little kids, but there is a time and a place for certain things.  There were tiny little kids, girls the size of dolls, riding bikes with training wheels in between all the ramps.  This just seemed outrageously dangerous for these kids, but I guess their parents are totally fine with flying skateboards flying by their toddler's heads.  

We shredded here for awhile, getting really fun lines all over the park-I know all of us would love to have this as our local park! 


Back To School Skate Trip-Wheeling, WV

It's only an hour drive from Pittsburg to Wheeling, so we were feeling pretty good when we arrived at the Wheeling park.  This place is great, huge bowl, a well designed street course, a fun concrete mini, and 24 hour lights make this place a constant stop on our skatepark map.


We planned on camping right at the park, so we brought a BBQ, tents, and sleeping bags.   


After getting all set up for camping, we had a great sunset sesh into the wee hours of the night.  Everyone was shredding, even the local weirdos who don't usually seem to skate that hard everytime we are at their park. 


Back To School Skate Trip-South Park, Pittsburg, PA

Some members of the JSP recently traveled to Pittsburg, PA and Wheeling, WV to check out some concrete skateparks.  With back to school days coming up soon, we thought bringing some of our mini shredders with us would be a nice end of summer treat for them.   These kids help us a lot and really keep us alive so if anyone deserves a skate trip, they do!


Our first stop was at South Park, PA, located just outside of Pittsburg.  None of us were feeling very loose after our three hour drive down from JTNY, so it was tough getting the momentum going at first.  Luckily, toughguy Noah B. decided to drop in on the vert ramp to get loose.  He pulled it first try and went right into a backside grind.  This got everyone motivated to get moving finally!


Capita 2014 Preview

Summer is here, but we're still anxious and excited for snow. Here is sneak peek at the Capita boards we have coming in this fall. Capita Black Snowboard of Death, Ban Brisse Pro Model, Capita Ultrafear, Jess Kimura Pro Model, Capita Indoor Survival, and The Birds of a Feather Snowboard.

Black Death, DBX, Ultrafear

Jess Kimura, Indoor Survival, Birds of feather

Jess Kimura, Indoor Survival, Birds of feather