Back To School Skate Trip-South Park, Pittsburg, PA

Some members of the JSP recently traveled to Pittsburg, PA and Wheeling, WV to check out some concrete skateparks.  With back to school days coming up soon, we thought bringing some of our mini shredders with us would be a nice end of summer treat for them.   These kids help us a lot and really keep us alive so if anyone deserves a skate trip, they do!


Our first stop was at South Park, PA, located just outside of Pittsburg.  None of us were feeling very loose after our three hour drive down from JTNY, so it was tough getting the momentum going at first.  Luckily, toughguy Noah B. decided to drop in on the vert ramp to get loose.  He pulled it first try and went right into a backside grind.  This got everyone motivated to get moving finally!
