First off, JSP would like to thank all the people who made this event possible and awesome. Big thanks to Matt Homan for inventing this ramp and judging, Mark B, Nick B, Chet, and all the others who have put hours into building and maintaining the ramp. Oliver and The Bats rocked out downstairs for hours and it sounded real good. Shawn Durst and Laces Out. Bill Thomas and the Active Artists Alliance. Bill Cooley BBQ Master. Ashley Baron and AB Cinematography. Girl, Chocolate, and Lakai for donating some swag. All the spectators and supporters for checking it out. And last, but most Importantly, The Skaters. You guys, and girl were crushing it! I'd hate to be the judges, everyone was skating well and laying down epic tricks and consistent lines. But when it comes down to the end there can be only one winner. Congratulations to Tyler for winning the am division and Emily for holding it down for the female gender. Mark Buccigrossi wins the masters division, he was a skating beast. Carlos put on an amazing show as usual, and was more consistent than I've ever seen. John Osbourn threw down some ramp wizardry and gave Mike Berdis a run for his money, but with some incredible back to back to back tricks in his runs Mr. Berdis claims his 3rd King of the Ramp title after a two year hiatus.
Colton, Devin, Prince of The Ramp; Tyler, and your Queen of the Ramp Emily
Masters Division KOTR Mark Buccigrossi, getting a job well done from Chet.
Carlos, John, and King of the Ramp; Mike Berdis